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inVIEW WebSCADA software

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inVIEW WebSCADA software is a product of Serbian company INIT Technologies
Click here to enter the official product webpage of inVIEW WebSCADA software

inVIEW WebSCADA Software Introduction

inVIEW IIoT Platform: Connect all your Things.The inVIEW IIoT Platform is a Cloud solution for remote supervisory, control and data acquisition projects. It is utilized for visualization and control of any kind of real-world automated processes or applications using web-browsers and for the gathering of data from the automation equipment or IoT devices. The inVIEW IIoT Platform can be used in industrial, residential, infrastructure or even home automation projects. The inVIEW IIoT Platform is a service of using cloud-hosted inVIEW WebSCADA software for all kind of your remote supervisory, remote control and/or data acquisition projects. Create your projects and run your business on an industrial-grade reliable cloud solution with all costs known upfront. When using inVIEW IIoT Platform, for visualization of your data and for designing and editing of your project, you will need only web-browser on any kind of device. No additional software, add-ons or plugins of any kind are needed.

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