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FactoryStudio configuration software

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Tatsoft FactoryStudio Software Introduction

Software Platform For Real-Time Operations And More.SCADA automation platform that provides businesses with real-time data modeling or logging, customizable reports & SQL database gateway. FactoryStudio – Scalable by I/O and Clients, simple to advanced SCADA / HMI, IIoT Edge and Gateway all built on Tatsoft’s FrameworX. FactoryStudio – it comes with symbols and components, plc drivers, OPC UA, MQTT as well as a Built-In SQL database and more. Security, Alarms and Alerts, C#, VB.NET, Python, Audit Trail Anything, Tools for Diagnostics. Tatsoft’s FactoryStudio SCADA provides you with everything you need for SCADA applications and more – .NET and web, designed to be intrinsically safe software, enables you to connect, collect, and visualize any real-time data on any device. Create industrial strength applications securely without constraints.

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